New Student Online Registration - Click Here to Launch
Click on the above link and create a new account. Write down the password you used to create the account along with the email address used. You will be able to log back in to the above site at any time to complete a form in progress or view a submitted form. You will need to submit a new student form for each child within this portal, but you will only create one login account.
Under Start a New Form, click on New Student Registration 2024-2025.
Enter the Student’s First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth. Click the green “Add Student” button.
Please read all information, enter data into fields (many fields are required before submitting), and click Next at the bottom of each page.
VERY IMPORTANT: Under the Emergency tab, please do not list the parent/guardian as a Contact. Emergency contacts should be in addition to the Parent/Guardian listed on the Family tab. The Parent/Guardian will always be attempted to reach first. If the parent/guardian is unavailable, we will then reach out to the Emergency Contacts. At least one Emergency Contact is required.
The Medical page is required for our School Nurse to provide the best health care possible.
Continue to navigate through the form. You may move forward and backward by selecting Preview/Next at the bottom of each page, or you can click on the navigation titles on the left side of the screen.
Please look over carefully before entering your signature and submitting.
If there are any errors or missed fields, they will appear on the Review & Submit page. You will need to edit these fields before the form will submit.
Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation page, along with a confirmation email.
Please provide the following items to the school office prior to your child’s first day of school.
A copy of your child’s birth certificate.
A copy of your child’s immunization record.
Please visit the following Back-toSchool link for helpful student/family information Back-to-School Information 2023-2024
If you have any questions, please reach out to one of the following contacts:
South Adams Elementary/Middle School Office
Sue Shoaf,
Pam Grabau,
South Adams High School
Mara Myers,
South Adams Technology Director
Myra Moore, mmoore@southadams.k12.inus