Community Support
Thank you to our Parents and the South Adams Community for your support!
The elementary art room needs donations of clean, styrofoam egg cartons and skeins or balls of yarn, any color. We use the egg cartons for paint containers. The yarn is used for weaving projects and other crafts. Any donations of either of these items would be appreciated in Miss Lehman’s K-6 art room.
The Elementary Intense Interventions Classroom is collecting Our Family brand packaging and labels. Our Family brand is found at Berne Community Markets.
If you shop at Berne Community Markets, please save the package, wrapper, or label of the Our Family brand products. Please help us by spreading the word to family and friends.
We will be collecting all year!
Middle School students are selling the popular Star Cards for only $15 each. Get your card while supplies last!
Each Star card is good for an entire year and can be used over and over at each location.
Scholarship Donations:
Athletic Donations:
As we prepare our student-athletes academically and athletically for the challenges ahead, we need to prepare our facilities to embrace that challenge with them. South Adams High School was created in 1966. While we were able to improve our corporation through the new middle school/elementary building, some of our athletic facilities have gone through few changes during that time and require necessary upgrades to meet the requirements of today.
South Adams has partnered with the Adams County Community Foundation to address those long awaited and needed upgrades. With your support, we can provide our student-athletes and South Adams community with modern facilities that meet today’s standards, make South Adams the leading school in athletic facilities in the surrounding area, and evoke community pride to say we are Starfires.
To join our mission, contact Athletic Director, Jason Arnold, at 260-589-8231 or You can also make this possible by contacting the Adams County Community Foundation and telling them you want to join our team.
Adams County Community Foundation
102 N 2nd Street, Decatur, IN 46733
Phone: 260-724-3939