Inclement Weather Learning Days - Asynchronous and Synchronous
Synchronous learning means teachers and students are face-to-face on a device. Synchronous days are different from asynchronous days (3 days available to use during a school year) because they have that face-to-face, live teaching component. Asynchronous days require the students to log into their Canvas page, get assignments, and work primarily independently on those assignments, while interacting with teachers via email or Canvas messaging. Synchronous learning days also require students to log into their canvas page, but once there, they access a Google Meet link where they login to a face-to-face meeting with their teacher and classmates. This allows for direct instruction during the day between the student and teacher. Students practice accessing Google Meet with their teachers and a video on how to access Google Meet is linked to the QR code on the flyer below.
Family FAQ Synchronous Guide for Parents
Synchronous Daily Schedule and Google Meet Instructions
Elementary Student iPads Traveling Home Information
10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Class Time
11:30 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. Lunch
12:10 - 2:10 p.m. Class Time
2:10 - 2:55 p.m. Teacher Prep
Middle and High School Schedule
Period 1 - 10:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Period 2 - 10:35 - 11:05 a.m.
Period 3 - 11:10 - 11:40 a.m.
LUNCH - 11:40 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.
Period 4 - 12:25 - 12:55 p.m.
Period 5 - 1:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Period 6 - NO HOMEROOM
Period 7 - 1:35 - 2:05 p.m.
Period 8 - 2:10 - 2:40 p.m.
Office Hours - 2:40 - 3:00 p.m.
Basic Steps to follow on a Virtual Learning Day:
1. Go to the South Adams website -
2. Click on the Canvas icon from any School tab -
3. Students log in using their Canvas username and password. Click on the Dashboard to view active courses.
Elementary students - click on Mrs. Miller's Principal page to receive important announcements, then click on classroom courses for eLearning instruction.
Middle and High School students - click on each course subject to receive coursework instructions for the day.
Please contact your classroom teacher right away if you cannot connect to the Google Meet session or if you have questions regarding classroom assignments.
For technical assistance:
Elementary - please email/call Katrina Lehman,, 260/589-1101 ext. 330
Middle School/High School - please email/call Kent Arnold,, 260/589-3131 ext. 434
Click here for SAES App/Website Login Information: SAES Website Login Information
Click here for SAMS Website Login Information: SAMS Website Login Information
Click here for SAHS Website Login Information: SAHS Website Login Information
From the 2024-25 Corporation Calendar
1st Inclement Weather Day - will be made up if prior to September 11, if after September 11 - E-Learning
Day 2nd Inclement Weather Day – E-Learning Day
3rd Inclement Weather Day - will be made up on built-in make-up day
4th Inclement Weather Day - will be made up on built-in make-up day
5th Inclement Weather Day – E-Learning Day
6th Inclement Weather Day - TBD
7th and 8th Inclement Weather Day - will be made up on built- in make-up day
Beyond 8th- TBD
What is an Asynchronous Virtual Inclement Weather Day?
Students will not report to school due to inclement weather, but will engage in learning activities using digital resources.
Why is South Adams using eLearning to make up for cancelled inclement weather days?
The primary objective is to maintain the momentum of learning. The primary objective is not to make-up missed days of school. Virtual eLearning Days allow students to minimize the interruptions caused by snow days and continue to make educational progress.
How and when will students and parents know if an eLearning Day will take place?
Inclement weather cancellations and announcement of an eLearning Day will be relayed through the school’s notification phone & email system, Remind text alerts, district website, social media (Facebook and Twitter), and local TV/radio stations.
How will students be informed about assignments during an eLearning Day?
Parents and students should become familiar with their Canvas login prior to winter months. Please visit the Parent link on the SA website ( to access instructions on how to create a Canvas account, and to log-in. All teachers will post contact information and homework assignments on Canvas by 9:00 a.m. on a Virtual eLearning Day, and will be available for online communication 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
What happens if a Virtual eLearning Day is announced after a two-hour delay?
Teachers will post assignments on Canvas by 10:00 a.m. and will be available to communicate with students throughout the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
How will students obtain assistance from teachers on eLearning Days?
Teachers will be available through email, and will post other means of communication on their Canvas page i.e. Canvas chat, Remind texts.
How much time is the student expected to work online during the eLearning Day?
No minimum or maximum amount of time is expected. Students should complete their work carefully, using the amount of time that is appropriate for them.
When will class assignments be due?
Three school days after we return to school. Due dates for high school student assignments may vary by individual courses and assignment deadlines will be at the teacher discretion.
What if students do not complete their eLearning assignments?
Assignments not completed by the deadline will be recorded as a zero in the gradebook and students with incomplete eLearning assignments will be charged with an unexcused absence for a partial or full day. Unexcused absences will be referred to the principal for disciplinary action according to the student handbook.
How will eLearning be monitored and counted for attendance?
Accountability for students will rely on assessment of work. Teachers will assess the student’s work and determine if the student has met the instructional goals for the day. The actual amount of time online is less important than the work produced and/or created by the student to demonstrate learning and mastery of learning targets.
What if a student does not have access to the internet?
Teachers are aware that not all students have Internet access at home and will provide accommodations when necessary for students without home internet access. Coursework assigned on an eLearning day will not be due until three school days after we return to school. Students without Internet connection have the opportunity to complete work over the following days allowing for students to make arrangements to use the public libraries or after-school open computer labs.
Do students with identified special learning needs have an alternative means to
access their education on virtual learning days?
Yes, individual supports, services, and accommodations for students with an Individual Education Program (IEP), Individual Learning Plan (ILP), or a Section 504 Plan are reviewed, discussed, and agreed upon at the student’s case conference committee meeting, a Section 504 meeting, or general education plan meeting.
Local free wifi locations:
Berne and Geneva Public Libraries
Alpine Rose Coffee Shop
East of Chicago Pizza
Pizza Hut
General Questions can be directed to:
Myra Moore, Technology Director, 260/589-1117
Cory Runkle, High School Principal, 260-589-3131, ext. 402
Andy Schmit, Middle School Principal, 260/589-1102, ext. 202
Shellie Miller, Elementary Principal, 260/589-1101, ext. 201
Questions about assignments?
Please contact your child’s teacher.
Please note the above statements are subject to change. South Adams will continue to evaluate each inclement weather day and strive for excellence in an eLearning Day. We will make necessary adjustments to accomplish this goal.