Health Services
Welcome to the health information site for South Adams Schools. From this site, you will be able to access health forms, as well as health alerts and medical information (see links to the left). We strive to provide health care for our students and maintain up to date health records for them. As parents/guardians, providing student health information is necessary and helpful.
The cold and flu season is upon us. There are easy steps you can take to keep your family and our school healthy. Anyone can get the flu, but it is more common among children and can be worse for people with some health conditions. South Adams encourages you take the preventive actions to cut down on the spread of the germs that cause it.
Everyone plays a role in stopping the spread of germs that cause the flu. You can do the following to help:
1. Get your yearly flu vaccine
2. Wash your hands often
3. When you cough, cough into your elbow or tissue
4. Stay home if you are sick
Please talk to your children about washing their hands often, coughing properly, not sharing their personal items (such as chapstick, water bottles, and food) and keeping their hands away from their mouths. Remember, your children cannot come to school if they have a fever and can only return 24 hours after it goes away WITHOUT medicines.
Thank you for your help and together we can all stay healthy!
Click here for How Sick is Too Sick